Visa requirements


Student visas are normally granted for the duration of your course of study. The following conditions apply:

If you wish to stay in Australia for your graduation ceremony, you may need to apply for a visitor class visa. It is your responsibility to comply with the conditions of your student visa. For a full list of conditions, refer to the Department of Home Affairs

Australian Address

You must always inform DHE of any change of address within seven (7) days.

For further information refer to this link. Click here

Genuine Student (GS) Requirement

The Government has replaced the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirement for student visas with a Genuine Student (GS) requirement. This is effective for student visa applications lodged on and after 23 March 2024.

All applicants for a student visa must be a genuine applicant for entry. They must stay as a student and be able to show an understanding that studying in Australia is the primary reason of their student visa. The GS requirement is intended to include students who, after studying in Australia, develop skills Australia needs and who then go on to apply for permanent residence.

In reviewing your application, the Visa Officer focuses on the assessment of the student’s intention to genuinely study in Australia. It considers factors including the applicant’s circumstances, immigration history, compliance with visa conditions and any other relevant matter, etc.

For further information, refer to this. Click here

Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Framework

The Australian Government has put in place the ESOS Legislative Framework, which are laws that promote quality education and consumer protection for overseas students. The laws include the ESOS (Education Services to Overseas Students Act 2000) the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018. As an education provider, Danford Higher Education must fulfil its obligations as set out in the ESOS Framework.

For further information refer to this link.  Click here

Tuition Protection Service

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is an initiative of the Australian Government to assist international students whose education providers are unable to fully deliver their course of study. TheTPS ensures that international students are able to either:

For further information, please visit:

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

As an international student you are required to take out Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC), which will assist you to meet the costs of medical and hospital care that you may need while in Australia. OSHC will also pay limited benefits for medication and ambulance services.

For further information refer to this link. Click here

Student Visa Work Conditions

If you are in Australia on a student visa, the number of hours you are allowed to work is defined in your student visa conditions. These restrictions may include any work experience undertaken as part of your study. 

For further information, please visit: Check visa details and conditions

Workplace Rights for International Students

Like many international students, you may get a part-time or casual job to help pay your living expenses while you study in Australia. It is important that you know your rights in the workplace. 

Bringing Your Family

If you are an international student and planning to bring your family, you are required to enroll any school-age dependent in an Australian school and pay their school fees whilst they are in Australia. In Victoria, children are required to attend school until the age of 17. Children must go to a school campus (or an approved alternative) until they finish Year 10. For more information check with the Australian Department of Education or an Australian Diplomatic Mission in your country as there may be specific restrictions.

Further Visa information

See the Australian Government immigration page for more information at

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